Ground Force RTU | Caustic Degreaser
Ground Force is a quality, heavy-duty caustic degreaser and cleaner. It is designed for the heaviest stains and soiled spots on concrete. This solution is for concrete only. Do not use on other surfaces as damage may occur. Be sure to use the proper PPE when using this solution. Ground Force works for any type of grease, but is especially effective on organic grease and oil. Use it on dumpster pads or near greasy exhaust hoods.
Ground Force is a caustic degreaser that can cause severe skin burns and eye damage. Always use the proper PPE when applying or mixing Ground Force, including but not limited to:
eye protection
skin protection
respiratory protection
Pro tip: Ground Force is a heavy duty caustic degreaser. Use it on the toughest grease and oil spots. WARNING – for use on concrete only. Be sure to use proper PPE when applying and using this chemical.
Recommended Mix Ratio
Product is a concentrate. Best applied using pump sprayer:
Light Soiling: 7 oz per gallon
Standard Use: 16 oz per gallon
Heavy Soiling: 30 oz per gallon
Available in:
One gallon jug
Four gallon case
Five gallon bucket